5 Steps to No-Hassle Name Badges for Event Planning(Post)
When you’re planning a meeting or event, there are a lot of moving parts to take care of; all of those details play some role in its success and how it’s remembered. One element that might be easy ...
Is It Time to Switch to Contactless Cards?(Post)Even before the COVID-19 pandemic began marching across the U.S., many companies and institutions had recognized the benefits of using contactless smart cards or badges. Rather than being swiped o ...
7 Back-to-School Must-Haves for Student and Staff IDs(Post)School will be back in session before you know it — and school safety is top of mind for administrators, staff, students and parents. An increasing number of schools have implemented mandatory stu ...
Expert Insights: Setting Up and Managing ID Badge Printing (Post)Managing an efficient and cost-effective ID badge program involves many moving pieces. Whether you’re launching a new program or looking to streamline your existing system, the right approach can ...
Single License or Cloud-Based: How to Find the Right ID Management Software for Your Organization(Post)The ID card software you choose is as important as your printer, badges and accessories. Managing your ID badge program can be challenging, if not impossible, without the proper software. In thi ...
5 Reasons Your Company Needs ID Badges(Post)Large corporations have used ID badges for decades to improve security, limit access to certain areas and even to ensure employee accountability. While virtually all large companies now use ID bad ...
Clocking in in the New World of Tech(Post)Technology is continuously transforming businesses. From how we hire employees to how operations are performed, technological advances are providing unmatched workplace benefits. Many organi ...
Employee Badge Options for Your Company(Post)Company ID badges can identify employees and students, of course, but they can also be used to enhance your company’s security protocols, health and safety measures, time-clocking procedures and m ...
Using Retractable Badge Reels for Your ID Badges(Post)Retractable badge reels are convenient, stylish and easy to use. Whether for corporate identification, security credentials or school IDs, retractable reels offer advantages over other badge holders.
5 Myths About School ID Badges(Post)School ID badge policies have become more commonplace in recent years, with many schools choosing to make photo ID badges mandatory for both students and employees. Although school safety has alwa ...
On-Site Credential Services(Page)Let The Pros Handle The Tough Jobs. We offer high-quality custom badge production services including matching badge holders, custom lanyards and supplies, but we also maintain a team of on-site cr ...
UKG (formerly Kronos) ID Badges, Cards and ID Systems(Page)ID Shop is an active technology partner in the UKG Marketplace ID Shop, Inc. provides software solutions, RFID and bar coded badge products that complement Kronos' comprehensive workf ...