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Using Retractable Badge Reels for Your ID Badges

Using Retractable Badge Reels for Your ID Badges

Retractable badge reels are convenient, stylish and easy to use. Whether for corporate identification, security credentials or school IDs, retractable reels offer advantages over other badge holders. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at retractable badge reels and how they can work for your ID badge needs.

What Is a Retractable Badge Reel

Retractable badge reels have a cord that extends and retracts, making it easy to use your badge without having to remove it from your clothing or display it around your neck. With a retractable reel badge holder, you can extend your badge a full 30 inches.

Once you’ve displayed your badge, the reel smoothly and automatically retracts. Retractable reels are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles. Popular ones are:

  • Standard plastic economy badge reels are perfect for large groups on a budget.
  • Chrome badge reels are a step up in the durability department and have the sleek look of shiny metal.
  • Heavy-duty badge reels are designed for customers who need a tough and durable badge reel.

When you're looking for the best badge reel, there are a few things you'll need to keep in mind. First, think about the size of your badge; you'll want to make sure that the reel is sturdy enough to accommodate any oversized badges or those with badge backers but lightweight enough for daily use.

Next, consider the type of attachment that you want. Most come with the option of an alligator clip or slide clip that can attach to a waistband or pocket. Some badge reels have carabiners for a more secure fit around belt loops.

Finally, think about how you'll be using your reel. Reels made from steel with a carabiner clasp will hold up best in outdoor working conditions, like construction sites. A smaller plastic reel may be the best fit for an office job where badges are used only for clocking in and out.

Most reels can be customized to include company logos or school colors for an added level of branding.

Benefits of Retractable Badge Reels

Badge reels are a great way to keep your badges close at hand while allowing you to access them easily and swipe through card readers or scanners. Some of the many benefits of badge reels include:

  • Convenience. Retractable badge reels are simple to use and more convenient than other types of badge holders. They’re great for people who need to swipe their badges frequently, such as security guards, retail employees and office workers. The smooth, easy operation of the reel makes swiping your badge quick and easy without having to dig it out of a purse or wallet.
  • Durability. Retractable badge reels (particularly heavy-duty models) are built to withstand daily use and can last for years.
  • Reusability. Businesses can save on badge holders by reusing reels even after employee turnover.
  • Brand affinity. Badge reels can be customized to align with branding, including colors and logos.

Badge Reels in Use

Retractable badge reels are a great option for those who need to wear ID badges on a regular basis. They’re easy to use and offer a number of advantages over other types of badge holders, including the ability to easily retract and extend your badge without having to remove it from your clothing.

If you already have a badge program in place, it’s easy to swap out reels for lanyards, clips or pins. But what if you are just starting out? In addition to badge reels, there are a few other things you’ll need to get your badge program off the ground.

  • ID badges. The most obvious item is the badge itself. Start by considering how you’ll use your ID badges. What information needs to be visible? Do the cards need to store data (think security swipe or student lunch purchases)? Next, consider the design and how to position your branding on the badge itself.
  • Badge backers. Badge backers hang behind an individual’s badge to allow for quick identification of role or status. They’re often color-coded and clearly indicate a title or position within an organization. Hospitals commonly use badge backers to identify essential workers or specific credentials like RN, LPN or CNA.
  • Printer. If you opt to print your badges in-house rather than ordering from a third-party vendor, you’ll need a reliable badge printer along with blank badges, ink ribbon, laminate and design software.
  • Badge accessories. Lanyards, clips and reels are important accessories that prevent badges from getting lost and keep them readily available to display. This is especially important for identification that’s worn daily, like student or employee badges.
    • Lanyards offer an inexpensive way to display badges around the neck. They can be ordered in a wide range of colors and customized to match your brand identity.
    • Clips attach directly to clothing. They may be less visible and accessible than badges worn around the neck, but they can be more comfortable.
    • Retractable badge reels offer the best of both worlds. Cards stay out of the way until employees or students need them, then can be easily accessed to swipe or display.

Retractable badge reels are an important part of your ID badge program. They help to keep your badge visible and easily accessible. Badge reels also help to prevent loss or damage to your badge. If you’re looking for a convenient and durable way to wear your ID badge, retractable reels may be the best fit.

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