The Top 3 Benefits of Laminating Your ID Badges
It used to be that identification cards needed to be laminated because they were printed on either paper or card stock. Lamination provided the kind of protection they needed to stand up to everyday wear and tear, as well as endure exposure to the elements and the accidental trip through the washing machine.
ID cards have come a long way, but that doesn’t mean you should no longer laminate your ID badges. Laminated ID badges still have many advantages that should be factored in when deciding which type of ID badge to use for your business, school or organization.
Even though most of today’s ID cards are printed on plastic, which makes them appear as though they’re already durable enough, they might not be as tough as you think. While plastic cards do have a protective coating, it’s simply an overlay that is designed to seal in the image that is printed on it. While it may seem that the overlay provides sufficient protection, and lamination might be an extra step or overkill, there are several reasons to consider laminating your ID badges.
Understanding the Lamination Process
Lamination is the process that involves coating the surface of an ID card with laminate, which can be a clear gloss, a matte finish or it might contain holographic images that are embedded into the surface of the material. Holographic laminate is particularly helpful if you want to improve the security of your card, because it makes the card harder to duplicate and, therefore, lowers the risk of the card being used fraudulently.
There are different types of holographic laminates; a standard holographic image can provide sufficient security for most businesses, organizations or schools, but for those who need an extra layer of security, a custom holographic image may be a better option. A custom holographic image will be much harder to duplicate and, as a result, is more effective in lowering the risk of fake badges being created.
When making a custom laminated ID badge, you’ll want to think about how it’s going to be used and what type of security you require from it.
If you’re still not sure that you need to laminate your ID badges, let’s look at three benefits you’ll receive by laminating them.
No. 1: Lamination Extends the Life of Your Cards
Laminating your ID badges helps make them last longer for several reasons. The first, and most obvious reason, is that it seals in the card and protects it from water, dirt and debris. It also protects the card from being scratched up and can be cleaned with a damp cloth to maintain its appearance.
Lamination also makes badges last longer because it makes the card itself stronger. The protective coating adds layers of thickness that can keep it safe from physical damage that comes from being in a pocket, getting bent or other situations that create undue stress for the card.
This durability is especially important if the ID card is going to be swiped through a magnetic stripe reader, since you don’t want the stripe to wear off.
No. 2: Lamination Makes Cards Tamper-Proof
The more lamination that an ID badge has, the more difficult it is to tamper with. As mentioned above, holographic images are one way that lamination can help improve security, but just having any type of lamination on your card is going to make it difficult to alter or tamper with in any way, since it will be evident if the laminate has been disturbed.
No. 3: Lamination Gives Your ID Badges a More Professional Appearance
A clean, bright ID card simply looks better than one that is worn and dull. Lamination helps keep cards from fading and also keeps them from sticking to other plastic items and transferring their image or colors onto those objects. Cards that aren’t laminated don’t have the same level of protection, so while a laminated card will retain its original colors for years, a card that hasn’t been laminated will fade quickly.
When a card is laminated, it can withstand greater wear and still maintain a colorful, good-as-new appearance that is useful in projecting the image you want for your organization.
Save Money By Laminating Your ID Badges
While you might be tempted to skip laminating your cards to save a few dollars, laminating ID badges is actually a good investment for your organization. Because the cards are more durable and less likely to be tampered with, you will cut down on the amount of cards you have to replace over time.
ID badges don’t always get the proper care; they can be left outside in the sun, forgotten in a pair of pants that goes through the washing machine (and the dryer) or might be used to clean the crevices in a computer keyboard. The less durable they are, the more often they’ll need to be replaced. The cost of replacement cards can quickly add up, so ensuring that they’re protected from the beginning is an effective way to keep your costs down and ensure that your ID badges enjoy a long life.