3 Reasons You Need Social Distancing Floor Decals
As their doors open to customers again, many businesses will be implementing social distancing as an integral part of their procedures. This important way to keep customers and employees safe and reduce viral outbreaks does not necessarily come naturally to people. That’s why tools such as floor decals that promote social distancing in your workplace can greatly increase compliance.
Why Is Social Distancing Important?
Social distancing is the act of keeping a minimum distance of six feet between people. According to the CDC, preventative tactics such as distancing and mask-wearing can help significantly reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viral illnesses that are passed from person to person via prolonged exposure. When an infected person sneezes, talks or coughs, they release droplets into the air that can be inhaled by others. Social distancing can prevent many of those droplets from coming into contact with another person.
Reducing the spread of COVID-19 not only saves lives, it can also shorten the timeline back to a more normal standard of operations. As cases decrease, the risk of catching or transmitting COVID-19 also decreases. When businesses and other organizations fail to require social distancing, the risk of transmission spikes. This rise in COVID-19 cases threatens to overwhelm hospitals and can result in necessary restrictions that can force businesses to close.
When implemented into your workplace safety policies, social distancing floor decals can help promote a safe distance between staff and customers. Placing these decals on the floor in areas where people naturally create a line — such as waiting to check out at a grocery store or in line to order coffee at a cafe — reminds people where to stand so they are safely separated from each other and reducing the potential exposure risk. Floor decals can be beneficial to your workplace by:
- Reducing exposure risk. COVID-19 and other viral and bacterial illnesses are spread through droplets in the air and on surfaces touched by multiple people. The CDC has found that spending time in close quarters with others increases the likelihood that these droplets may make their way to others, thereby spreading illness. Leaving at least 6 feet between people reduces the likelihood that those droplets will travel to and infect others, especially when combined with masks. Floor decals are excellent visual cues to remind customers and employees to maintain this distance. Other touchless safety measures can also decrease the spread of contagious illnesses.
- Promoting positive interaction between employees and customers. For some people, the requirement to comply with social distancing and other safety measures is upsetting. This can result in contentious situations that are uncomfortable and sometimes even unsafe for customers and employees. Visual cues and posted signs help your employees by reinforcing current health and safety policies and making them more official. This effort reduces confrontations and makes being at work more pleasant for your staff.
- Creating a safe and comfortable environment. Businesses that commit to health and safety policies help both their staff and customers feel safe. Many people are choosing where to take their business based on the COVID-19 safety policies that are in place. By emphasizing health and safety processes through floor decals, you are letting your staff and clients know they can feel secure while in the building. Complying with health recommendations will also help your business keep its doors open and avoid forced closure due to positive cases.
These benefits don’t just apply to customer-facing businesses either. Schools can use floor decals to remind students of social distancing while they wait in line to get lunch, enter classrooms or catch the bus. This visual cue allows teachers to focus on their jobs instead of constantly reminding students to stand apart. Healthcare facilities — where it is especially important to reduce viral outbreak risk — can also use floor decals for both staff and patients to increase safety and reduce stress and anxiety.
Tools to Promote Your Health and Safety Processes
There are a wide variety of health and safety products to help you promote policies that reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viral outbreaks. Floor signs, lanyards and badge backers are all important tools to help you create an environment that prioritizes the health of your staff, students or clients. You’ll be able to tailor your processes to what your staff needs to do their work in a safe environment, whether you’re in facility management, education, healthcare, retail or hospitality.